We are inching closer and closer to summer in 1-1, but we still have a lot to accomplish in the coming weeks! Here are a few important reminders:
*Starting tomorrow, May 21-May 23rd will be the Dryden School Store, sponsored by the Student Council. During the lunch period, students will have the opportunity to purchase "Smencils" (smelly pencils) or Dryden wristbands. Each item costs $1.00, and students will be permitted to buy 2 items per lunch period.
*May 22nd is Dress like Dr. Jares Day. Students are encouraged to wear ties as a tribute to Dr. Jares! If you don't have a tie, just dress nicely as if you were the principal for a day. On this day, our class will give Dr. Jares a class book that we have been working on, where each child wrote a page about what they will do when they retire. Some of their ideas included moving to the "Sunshine State" (direct quote!), taking naps everyday, going to Yogurtland, and becoming a teacher. All great suggestions for Dr. Jares to consider!
*May 23rd is our sports themed Spirit Day. Students are encouraged to wear clothes that support their favorite sports teams on this day!
*May 24th and 25th are teacher attendance only days, so the students will have an extra long weekend to enjoy this beautiful summer weather!
*May 30th is the day we will be taping our Dryden Lip Dub in celebration of Dryden's 60th birthday. On this day, students are encouraged to wear Dryden spirit wear, red, or white to show their Dryden spirit on the video!
*May 31st is our picnic lunch bunch to celebrate those first graders who completed the Amazing Reading Race! Students will need to bring lunch or order lunch as they normally do that day, we will just all be eating together in the courtyard to celebrate!
*June 1st is Field Day!
*June 5th is a half day
*June 6th is our last day of school, and is also a half day
Now that that's all sorted out, we can move on to discussing what's been going on in our classroom! This past week, Lily was our photographer, and she did an excellent job of documenting our activities. Here are a few of her favorite photos and captions:
(I took this photo so Lily could be in it, but Lily wrote the caption!) This is us with the dragon kites we made and dragon masks for Chinese New Year.
We are getting ready for a Gumball Math timed test. That is our timer.
We have a lot of words on our word wall.
We are doing grammar stuff.
If you finish this, you get to go to our special lunch bunch for the Reading Race.
We are doing our math journals.
We are visiting the library to meet an author.
She is showing us all of the pictures.
This is her toad.
Kate is making the wooden toad croak.
We are making music.
Last week, our Treasures theme was "Exploring Space”. As we read, we practiced using context clues and making predictions. Our spelling and word work pattern focused on words with the /oo/ pattern. During grammar instruction, we practiced identifying the predicate in sentences. The students were
so incredibly sad to read their final Treasures stories of the year, take their final spelling test of first grade, and complete their final first grade grammar packet. ☺
We also had the opportunity to meet the author, Eileen Zeisler. She shared her books, Little Sprout and Toads, and the children had the opportunity to play little wooden musical toads during a song the author sang for us. They had a great time!
This week, we will focus on literacy activities that go along with our cultural comparison of China. We will compare the Chinese versions of Cinderella (Yeh-Shen) and Little Red Riding Hood (Lon Po Po) to the versions we are familiar with.
Last week, we took the research that we did on the animals of our choice, and began publishing our own non-fiction books about these animals. We have been working on one page a day, first writing a description of the animal, then the habitat, and next, the food that the animal eats. This week, we will wrap these up as we write about interesting facts we learned about the animals, make our table of contents, design a cover, and put our books together!
Last week, we continued our review of various concepts. We began with a review of mental math, and practiced "buying" items from a vending machine. Next, we combined two digit numbers to buy two items, and practiced making change. Then, we switched gears to review geometry, temperature, and thermometers. We continued to take our math fact timed tests for our Gumball Math folders. The students who have finished all of their math facts use this time to work on their math skills links packets independently.
This week, we will have one final day of review with place value activities. On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, we will take our end of the year math test. I am eager to see how far the students have come this year, and how much they've retained! We will continue Gumball Math through the end of the school year, so keep practicing those snappy quick math facts!
Social Studies
Last week, we learned about Chinese New Year. The students were so excited to celebrate Chinese New Year (a few months late!) with dragon masks, dragon kites, and leisees with their very own lucky (play) money! This week, we will learn about school in China, along with Chinese writing and number writing.
Keep up the great work, first graders! Summer is almost here!
Mrs. Glaser ☺