Peter was our class photographer this week, and he had a great time taking pictures of all of our activities! Here are his favorite photos and captions of the week:
Here is us telling what the beginning, middle, and end of the story was.
Here is when we were reading Little Rabbit.
Here are our word wall words.
Here’s Jesse’s good citizen writing in the hallway.
Here is my good citizen writing in the hallway.
Here’s what we wonder about penguins.
Here are our Character Counts slips.
These penguins are hanging on our ceiling.
This week, our Treasures theme was “Favorite Stories”, and we practiced summarizing and analyzing the plot of the stories we read. We are really getting good at identifying the beginning, middle, and ending of a story! We also made some text-to-text connections this week, as we noticed that two of our selections were very similar tales! Our spelling and word work focused on words ending in the long /e/, using the –y at the end of the word to make the long /e/ sound. During grammar instruction, we learned about contractions using the word “not”. Next week, due to our shortened week, we will not have regular Treasures instruction, so this also means so spelling list for next week! We will take our unit assessment for Unit 4 using our Mimio Vote system on Wednesday.
This week in math, we learned about three-dimensional shapes. We started with spheres, cylinders, and rectangular prisms. Then, we learned about pyramids, cones, and cubes. Later in the week, we learned about symmetry and created shapes that were symmetrical by cutting paper. On Thursday, we used the Mimio Vote system to review Unit 7, and we took our unit test on Friday. These tests will be coming home next Wednesday. Next week, we will spend time working on math fact practice and review to help solidify those skills. There will also be a letter coming home about a fun way that we will be approaching fact practice with timed tests starting after Spring Break, so be on the lookout for that tonight!
This week during science instruction, we continued our study of penguins. We learned about ways in which penguins move, like waddling, diving, leaping, tobogganing, swimming, and porpoising. We also learned about what penguins eat, like fish, krill, and squid. Finally, we learned that the penguin has enemies, the leopard seal and killer whale in particular! We also worked on our penguin reports, in which we wrote about some of the things we have learned throughout our penguin unit! Next week, we will continue to learn about penguins, and will have a special celebratory day on Friday. We will celebrate Penguin Day in first grade! We encourage all students to dress in black and white like penguins, and we will have special penguin activities taking place all day at school!
I look forward to meeting with all of you next week during conferences and sharing your child’s progress! You have so much to be proud of!
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Glaser ☺
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