Isabel is working on her math book.
Lily is working on her math book too.
Leilani is smiling and working on math.
We played this game with money.
Matthew is reading Olivia in our Treasures book.
Jill was drawing a box to put her number in on her dry erase board.
Joe is working.
Last week, our Treasures theme was "Express Yourself". As we read our stories for the week, we determined whether the story was fantasy or reality. We also touched on visualizing as we read to strengthen our comprehension of the story. Our spelling and word work pattern of the week focused on the long /o/ sound with -oa or -ow. During grammar instruction, we focused on identifying and using adjectives in sentences. Now that we have learned about nouns (person, place, or thing), verbs (action words), and adjectives (describing words), we can compare the three and identify them in sentences! These skills will also help us to form better sentences as writers! Speaking of writing, last week we did a writing exercise about how "Egg-cellent" we are. Students wrote about a few ways in which they are egg-cellent and why. They came up with some great reasons!
This week, our Treasures theme will be "Watch it Go". We will continue to work on visualizing as we read, and we will also identify the problem and solution in each of our reading selections. Our spelling and word work pattern will be the long /i/ sound, made with an -i, -y, or -igh. Grammar instruction will continue to focus on adjectives, but this time on comparing adjectives, for example big, bigger, biggest. We will dive into our next type of writing- persuasive. We will be learning about stating our opinion and backing up our point of view. All the while, we will continue to practice writing complete sentences with correct punctuation and capitalization so we can really solidify those skills before we become second graders!
Last week in math, we reviewed coin counting (quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies in combination), introduced the dollar, and played coin exchange up to one dollar. We also reviewed making exchanges with base ten blocks, practicing identifying the digits in the hundreds, tens, and ones place in a number. Finally, we worked on coin counting in a real life application, where we pretended to buy items from a school store and wrote number stories to go with our purchases. We also began our math facts timed test practice with our new Gumball Math system. The kids are so motivated to earn these little gumballs for the gumball machine on their individual folders, and have been graphing their progress, so even if they do not earn their gumball just yet, they are still motivated by the improvement they can see in their graph! I have been so pleased with their progress so far. Keep practicing fact practice at home, I promise all of your additional hard work does pay off!
This week, we will practice a bit more with making change before jumping into lessons on equal shares and fractions. Yes, fractions! In first grade! We will also continue our Gumball Math testing.
Our newest science unit will begin this week as we begin studying magnets! I cannot wait to share what exciting discoveries our scientists make this week with our new focus.
Don't forget that our Reading Passports are due each Monday! Because our LMC day is also on Monday, this works nicely if your child wants to check out their next book from another genre this same day. Please rest assured that the books do not have to correspond to the continents on the passports! So, for instance, if Asia is the realistic fiction genre, it does not have to be a realistic fiction story about a character in Asia. Any realistic fiction story that your child is able to read and respond to will do!
Have a fantastic week!
Mrs Glaser :)
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