We read a story in Treasures about Frog and Toad.
We found the problem and solutions.
It's a magnet! Those things on it are all magnetic!
We made predictions and tested the materials when we did our magnetic scavenger hunt.
This is our calendar.
Last week, our Treasures theme was "Watch it Go". As we read our stories for the week, we visualized what was happening in the story. We also worked on identifying the problem and solution in the stories. Our spelling and word work pattern of the week focused on the long /i/sound with –i, -y, and -igh. During grammar instruction, we focused on comparing adjectives! We began a new writing workshop genre this week as we introduced persuasive writing. We learned that it is important to state your opinion, and then back up your opinion with strong reasons why your opinion is a good one.
This week, our Treasures theme will be "Inventions". We will identify cause and effect in our reading selections, which will tie in nicely with questioning as we read. Our spelling and word work pattern will be r-controlled vowels, specifically –ar words. Grammar instruction will continue to focus on adjectives, but this time on adjectives that describe color. We will continue to work on our persuasive writing during writing workshop time, and will also complete a few special writing projects in honor of Earth Day, which is coming up on April 22nd.
Last week in math, we began the week by reviewing making change with coins. Next, we introduced fractions and learned about equal shares. We also continued to take our timed math fact tests for our Gumball Math. Don’t forget to practice those math flashcards that come home each Monday, and continue to add those to your stack of flashcards to practice. Flashcards should be practiced a few times a week to keep building that automaticity we are working towards, so that the children are able to recall their math facts “snappy quick”.
This week in math, we will begin the week with finding fractional parts of collections by sharing pennies. Next, we will finish up Unit 8 with an explorations session on Tuesday, followed by a math review using the Mimio Vote system on Wednesday, and our Unit 8 math test on Thursday.
We introduced the topic of Magnets this week, and our scientists are so excited to be back to work. First, we discussed what we already know about magnets, as well as what things we wonder about magnets. Next, we explored what happens when we move a magnet closer and closer to a magnetic object. The students worked together in groups to make observations and recorded their observations in their science journals. Then, they conducted a scavenger hunt around the classroom to test various objects and determine whether or not they are magnetic. Finally, we drew conclusions about magnets based on what we observed. I know the students will be eager to do more exploring with magnets this week as well!
Don't forget that our Reading Passports are due each Monday! Because our LMC day is also on Monday, this works nicely if your child wants to check out their next book from another genre this same day. Please rest assured that the books do not have to correspond to the continents on the passports! So, for instance, if Asia is the realistic fiction genre, it does not have to be a realistic fiction story about a character in Asia. Any realistic fiction story that your child is able to read and respond to will do!
Have a fantastic week!
Mrs. Glaser ☺
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